Lam Tax Service - It's Tax Season

Once you've found the way, Be the way, So others can find their way, To be their own way. - Nyabuoy Gatbel Lam Pal Chuol, is a South Sudanese - American based in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He has started an accounting business. I've personally endorsed this business because Lam, is educating and creating awareness around financial literacy with his business and helping community members become financially aware and what their options are. We come from a background where financial literacy isn't strong and to have young people like Lam spearheading a different future is inspiring. When it comes to the financial world it is important to be represented. When someone comes from a similar background and educates you there's a level of trust built in that interaction that would be harder to achieve elsewhere. I know this business will treat their customers with respect and dignity now that's what I am excited about. Lam is open to all peopl...